How A Tree Lopper Can Smarten Up Your Garden

Do you have a really beautiful old tree in your yard? Is it looking sick? Learn more about nursing a sick tree back to health.

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Getting my tree back to life

I have a really beautiful old olive tree in my backyard. I love sitting under it on warm summer night. Unfortunately, the tree got a bit of a knock from the truck that brought in our swimming pool this summer, and it has been looking quite sick ever since and hasn't had any olives yet this year. I am very attached to the tree, so I have got a guy from the tree service company making weekly visits to give it extra fertilising and trimming to try to promote growth. This blog is all about nursing a sick old tree back to health with help from a tree service company.

How A Tree Lopper Can Smarten Up Your Garden

20 July 2018
, Blog

If you have trees in your garden, no doubt they need a little maintenance from time to time. A tree lopper service can be invaluable when you need to cut back trees and large hedges or simply to trim overhanging branches. The result is a smarter garden that is pleasant to sit in and trees that won't encroach over your neighbour's boundary. There are many companies that can provide a tree lopper service, either as a regular service or a one-off. This article will look at the benefits of using a tree lopper service and the things you can do to keep your garden and trees looking their best. 

Be The Envy Of Your Neighbours

Whether you have large trees in your garden or a selection of large shrubs and bushes, it is important to keep them maintained. This is not only good for appearance, but also for the health of the tree. A well-maintained yard or garden will give a great first impression of your home and make the neighbours envious. A tree lopper service can take care of those bothersome branches that can appear out of nowhere and that can spoil your view or push up against your property. 

Keep Your Trees Healthy

Many trees can benefit by being cut back regularly each year. This can help to reduce the amount of leaves you have to deal with each year, and it can also promote growth once spring comes around once more. A tree lopper company will be able to assess the needs of each tree in your garden, giving you advice on the optimum time to cut back and prune so that your trees continue to look their best all year round. 

Prevent Disease And Other Problems

Dead, damaged and diseased wood can not only look unsightly, but it could also cause problems with the healthy parts of the tree. If you have noticed branches that appear to be a different colour to the rest of the tree or which have spots, fungus or any other anomaly, calling a tree lopper service as quickly as possible could help to prevent damage or disease elsewhere. A tree lopper company will remove the parts of the tree that are causing a problem, taking care to ensure any disease is contained and that damaged wood is lopped and removed from site.

Keep your garden looking its best throughout the seasons by hiring a tree lopper service.