Do you have a really beautiful old tree in your yard? Is it looking sick? Learn more about nursing a sick tree back to health.

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Getting my tree back to life

I have a really beautiful old olive tree in my backyard. I love sitting under it on warm summer night. Unfortunately, the tree got a bit of a knock from the truck that brought in our swimming pool this summer, and it has been looking quite sick ever since and hasn't had any olives yet this year. I am very attached to the tree, so I have got a guy from the tree service company making weekly visits to give it extra fertilising and trimming to try to promote growth. This blog is all about nursing a sick old tree back to health with help from a tree service company.

Three Important Considerations for Tree Removal

14 August 2015
, Blog

There are different reasons for tree removal in residential and even commercial property. For instance, if a large tree is damaged by rot or weakened by inclement weather, it will pose a potential falling hazard. Controlled removal will allow safe elimination of the threat preventing future injury and damage of property. However, you should note that attempting felling a tree without professional assistance is ill-advised. The process of tree removal is delicate and dangerous therefore it is important to engage skilled service people for the task. Read More …

When Is It Time to Have a Tree Removed?

3 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Removing a tree may be a difficult decision for some, as trees offer shade and beauty to a property, and they are very good for the environment. However, in some cases it may be better for your property to have a tree removed altogether. If you're not sure of when it's time to remove a tree from your yard, note a few indications to consider. 1. If it's interfering with proper drainage Read More …

Getting to the root of unhealthy trees by tackling soil compaction

22 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Trees may be far more low-maintenance than house plants or your garden roses, but they still have health needs which require specialist care throughout their lifetime. Many of these needs come from their foundation: the soil. Healthy soil is key to a healthy tree — sometimes tackling poor tree growth isn't about fixing the tree but rather fixing the ground beneath it. There are several issues to look out for in your soil, and one of the most common and damaging is soil compaction. Read More …